
bread crumbs

It's important to be moved by the small miracles and the big ones. The small ones seem more profound- if only because they flash and blow for only a moment. And then, well, you're lucky you saw them at all. This book has changed my life. Tosha Silver came to me unexpectedly, from a friend, with regards to facebook (which I don't DO.) And somehow, I found myself reading the exact words I needed for the exact moment in my life. I guess if you read Outrageous Openness it's not surprising that it manifested itself with such ease and profundity. Anyway, she's very sweet and silly and both of those things are what make 'aligning with the Divine,' as she says, completely palatable. Seriously.

There are small problems and snags here. Nothing like rips and holes, but decisions and snarls. Things that you wish someone had already done and could assure you with a pat on the cheek, "totally no big deal," in an offhanded way while tossing salad maybe. But alas. And so here are some words of Outrageous wisdom:

"Hold the questions in your heart. Ask with complete focus and conviction for the Universe's guidance. Then let go and see what bread crumbs come for you to follow. If you don't get an answer, just keep asking for a while until you do."

Right?! Almost too easy. But truly, the question isn't "why would the Divine put in a hand and help me steer," it's more like "what else does the Divine have to do but offer me support and love?" And then, hand city. The deep slow water of peace and surrender. The steering isn't important, the vehicle doesn't need to be pushed at all. 

So we'll see.

In the meantime, spring has at least graced others with flowers who can bestow them on me, in large commercial mustard tins, to prop and wedge into small vessels as I see fit. Which makes the house magnificent.

all laid out

short full

short squat

tall lean

all three

Additionally, today, I was given something rather important by someone at school. It was me, as a puppet. A good thing to have, perspective-wise.


And even though it's still bleak and barren out there (with some promises if you look closely enough,) it's enough to line the nest with feathers and feel safe looking out, until the Bread Crumbs materialize. I am so ready.

spring ambience

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