

before i go stand behind the bar and dole out pints and mixed drinks that will most assuredly be returned due to their wateriness, and before i explain to them the sillyness of our government's insistence on meddling in the blood alcohol levels of its citizens, and before i sneak pommes frites and butterscotch pot de creme on the very down low, please note a good deal of production this morning!

read: a good eight pages of notes for the critical essay, a chunky pile of dutifully inscribed index cards, fanned out logically in a deeply satisfying graph on the kitchen table, a three mile run and lastly (but mostly) voila! our good Kim Boyce has helped me through another morning. read: ginger peach muffins; amaranth, oat flour, hemp seeds, fresh ginger, sinfully luscious peaches, a very moderate knob of butter and the best part: the crackly sound of the parchment paper as you ease it back to reveal a steamy noseful of snacktime. 

thaaaank goodness.

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