
turning the mattresses

it is time to turn the mattresses, heap on another featherbed, soak the tea towels in lemon juice until they ring with whiteness and purge the freezer and larder of all the accumulated bags of bulk goods from the grocery.

our current inventory includes a fistful of goji berries, a clutch of dried sour cherries lacquered and shining in their own sticky sugars, several well-intentioned but nevertheless fairly full bags of raw almonds (but far less than half of what we brought home in our nutty craze), a few twists of medjool dates who will likely never separate from their paper dividers and some stale wild rice sticks that even the birds won't get after. we can (grudgingly) bake these off into rainforest bars. (ugh). sneak them into trail mix (it'll never work.) or try to fold them into something absurdly heavy in butter and muscavado sugar and hope for the best. fingers crossed.
(i'll keep you posted.)

temperature hunkering down close to the bottom of the thermometer today. ice shifting like early morning bones, the gutters gleaming and glutted with it. we are not a place inhabited by ice except in the early winter, when snow melts galvanizes all the walks and steps. the dogs skate over it, their bulk and heave unfazed by loose footing. i clamber over it decidedly ungracefully, arms out, back curled, head down. as usual this is the season to model oneself after the dogs- whose warmth is built in and whose excitement is not snuffed out by windhowls.

still doing deep thinking on language and ways of seeing. and speaking of which, have you ever seen these?







they are 'investigation of worn-out fryingpans' (other guesses include the many moons of Jupiter, aerial photographs of the earth over major cities and cells.)
an incredible project by christopher jonassen called 'devour'. sourced by the ever inspiring online curatorial skills of these folks.

i was seized in the chest when the understanding of these clicked, a lead warmth (much like that of a hot skillet?) that throbbed pleasantly in my cheeks. how lucky we are that deep thought and clever visions are still being hung out to look at despite the influx of digital-everything, white silicone cords and i_____'s.

it is decidedly good for hearts of all kind.

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