
divine intervention. kinda.

some bodily tension these days. maybe energetic tension also. a funny time to feel out of kilter with the swell and blush of the land. the best i can liken it to is walking with someone in perfect stride and then losing it, bumping clumsily along, feet flapping at the wrong intervals and resorting, finally, to the small lunging limp that brings you back into the rhythm.

although this is a little flawed too, as the kind of energetic seaming up with the natural world has no objective mirror- you can't make your spine into water and flow uphill as a herd of deer can, or splice your sinews into the green and upturned palms up new leaves, letting the wind at you. you can only stand in the blowing light, feel out how your vertebrae stack like stones and lean in a hopeful direction hoping balance will still you.

ayurveda has much to say about this. (and there are too many places to read and take notes and consider tea blends to list here. but i will say this has helped some and the local library, obviously.) ayurveda's stance (in a highly watered down and weak reiteration) is that everything we consume nourishes not only our bones and blood but our cadence with the larger world as well. those parts of us out of whack or exaggerated need not be banished from routine but supplemented with their opposites- warm and soothing food and practices for the frazzled and chilled, light and invigorating foods and routines for the overheated and internally slowed. to embrace our individual circuitry and nourish the atrophied parts instead of focusing on their negativity is, for me, a moment of divine logic. too simple to have even considered and so completely reasonable.it is an interesting theory because its tenants are not focused on curing or fixing but on balancing and most of us could stand to imbibe at least more of that on a regular basis.

anyway, the way the days pan out is under some self scrutiny. i am trying filter my systems of nourishment, to cultivate some gentle but encouraging shifts.

there has been so much of this

Or this

about which i feel strongly- whole things, without judgment, sometimes a rash of butter is necessary. but there has certainly not (until recently) been enough of this

Tea ii
which is also necessary and vital but not at the complete absence of the above.so ayurveda.

not a cure-all, not the Next Big Thing, but a luminous model. supplement nourishment with nourishment and above all listen to what your body is thirsty for. the Western mind struggles with this and, i think, that is precisely why a call into balance in the name of restoration is vital. plus, it's spring! watch and learn, right?

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